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Lemon Bay High School

Home of the Mantas (941) 474-7702


Several parked cars of different colors.

Student parking is a privilege. With all privileges comes responsibility. While driving to and from school and on school grounds you are expected to obey Florida traffic law, and school rules detailed in this agreement.

Seatbelts --everyone in your vehicle must be seat belted in while moving –STRICTLY ENFORCED

Speed limit on school grounds is per the signs posted-STRICTLY ENFORCED

Keep noise to a minimum. No honking of horns, engine revving etc. Students with vehicles with loud engine noise (as determined by school officials) may be asked to park in a specific area.

Vehicles with displays of controversial material or flags will not be permitted in any of the parking areas.

Parking permits may be revoked if this is not adhered to. You can only park in approved student parking areas. Your personal permit must be on your assigned vehicle. School administration must approve changes. Your parking permit is a privilege, and you are expected to attend classes. You may have your driving privilege suspended for chronically being late to classes, skipping class, skipping school, assisting someone else to skip school, getting suspended, smoking, bringing drugs or alcohol on campus or being arrested for breaking, the law.  Not eligible for refunds.

School officials may conduct a warrantless search of a student's vehicle if such officials have reasonable suspicion that illegal, prohibited, or harmful items or substances may be concealed or hidden therein.   Vehicles on campus without a permit and not registered with the school are subject to investigation and towing at the owner’s expense. Students violating the parking permit program may not get a permit.

Permits will be issued in this order -Seniors, CTC students, Vo-tech students, Part-time College students, Juniors and Special Situations for Sophomores (16 years old). You must possess and show a valid Florida Driver's License (no restrictions or suspensions), proof of auto insurance, and vehicle registration to receive a parking permit.  

As the Principal of Lemon Bay High School, I want to congratulate you and your student for reaching one of life’s milestones, driving a motorized vehicle. As has already been impressed in the licensing process and insurance requirements, there is an implied and expressed expectation of adherence to Florida law and regulations, I pledge to do my best to ensure a safe and orderly environment for the students, parents, community, and Staff of Lemon Bay High School.