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Lemon Bay High School

Home of the Mantas (941) 474-7702


Lemon Bay High School Elective Course Options

A blue silhouette of a school mascot with the word 'ELECTIVES' in the center, surrounded by various school subjects and activities.

Are you going to ENROLL, ENLIST, or EMPLOY?

LBHS offers parents and students these guide sheets, intended to provide you with the tools to complete the (typical) four-year high school program with credits that align with your post-graduation plan.  Each guide sheet provides a path to one of three E’s after graduation: Enrollment (in future education), Enlistment (in a branch of service), or Employment.  Please note that this sheet serves to guide you.  You may determine that many of the listed courses fit well into your four-year plan, but parents and students will also work closely with school counselors to make adjustments that make more sense for the student’s individual plan to prepare for after-high school life.