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Lemon Bay High School

Home of the Mantas (941) 474-7702


  • Staff Coordinators: Mrs. Powell & Mrs. Webb

    Study Hall/Tutoring takes place in the Media Center Monday – Thursday 2:30-3:30.  Extended hours are offerred on Wednesdays unitl 4:30 and a “late bus” option is only available on Wednesdays.  Please see the details of this in the document below. Students are required to sign in and sign out to attend Study Hall/Tutoring and will need the required paperwork to utilize the “late bus” option.

    Students that are required to attend Study Hall/Tutoring will receive a pass as notification of this requirement.  If a student has addressed the deficit/issue that prompted the notification, the student should have the teacher/s sign the pass with the newest grade/s listed and turn it into the Media Center before the required Study Hall/Tutoring session.  Please contact one of the staff coordinators for further questions.