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Lemon Bay High School

Home of the Mantas (941) 474-7702


Late Bus Transportation


Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we offer tutoring/study in the media center from 2:30-3:30.  We also offer extended tutoring/study hall in the media center on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:30. There one bus that can take our students home at 5 pm after tutoring on Wednesdays only. Parents who are interested in having their student ride the bus after tutoring should ask their child to bring home the late bus permission form explaining the routes and drop-off locations. Students will not be getting off at their normal bus stop. It will be our students' responsibility to know what stop they get off and how to get home from that stop. Parents/Guardians must fill out the permission form and select what color bus route their student has permission to take. Please note that no student will be permitted to ride the bus unless a signed permission form is on file at our school. Parents are encouraged to keep a copy of this form for their records.