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Lemon Bay High School

Home of the Mantas (941) 474-7702




In order to improve GPA and assist with graduation requirements, a student may retake a course in which a “D” or “F” was attained. In cases where a course is no longer offered or where scheduling does not permit, the closest equivalent may be substituted. When the grade forgiveness policy is used, only the higher grade will be averaged into the GPA.

  • All grades, whether replaced or not, will appear on the student transcript.
  • Courses must be taken in the proper sequence as much as possible.
  • Honors courses can only be repeated during a regular school year or through Florida Virtual School. However, if a student chooses to take a general level class to replace a failed honors course, then the general course and grade obtained will replace the honors course. The original honors grade will not be used to compute the student’s GPA.
  • For required courses, the “D” or “F” will be replaced with the grade of “C” or better earned subsequently in the same or comparable course.
  • In elective courses, the “D” or “F” will be replaced with the grade of “C” or better earned subsequently in the same or comparable course. 
  • If the student repeats a course where an “F” was the original grade, and subsequently only earns a “D,” the “D” will replace the original grade.
  • Any course grade not replaced shall be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.
  • Credits retrieved through EdGenuity for credit recovery can only be replaced with up to a “C”. SECOND CHANCE OPTION For courses provided on a full-year basis, if a student fails the first semester, a full-year credit can be earned under the following conditions:
  • The student earns a “C” or higher for each of the third and fourth quarters;  The student earns a “C” or higher on the second semester exam; and
  • The student has met the attendance requirements for the second semester. ADDITIONAL MAKE-UP CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES Students in need of make-up credit may earn additional credits through programs such as Edgenuity, Charlotte Virtual School, Florida Virtual School, or correspondence courses from accredited and/or approved programs.